Day 155 – Ferry Inn, Harty to Sittingbourne: 17.6m: 7.0h

Breakfast is at 7am sharp. John is chafing at the bit as there is a tide issue at the bridge back to the mainland. Progress is sharp to start with but slows after 30 mins as the route becomes indistinct and ends on the top of a small mound. We need to get down a steepish slope to join the sea wall. John manages to find a path but takes a tumble out of sight of the rest. He shouts up to the team to take care but avoids scaring the party by telling them he fell until they are safely down. Once on the sea wall, progress is good. The path is more or less deserted. We spot a cyclist in the distance. After an hour or so there is another issue with the path. Possibly we go wrong or maybe it is just disused but we spend 30 minutes crossing a rather rough bit of terrain. Time is marching on and the tidal issue becomes more concerning. Eventually we reach the bridge but we are too late. It is impossible to walk along the seashore to reach the other side of the combined rail and road bridge and the walkway.

Rather despondent, the team set off along the path back inland – completely in the wrong direction. The Ferry Inn whilst excellent in nearly all respects has misunderstood the request to put the water bottles in the freezer and only put them in the fridge, so they have now warmed up. We reach the end of the path and now have to walk back along the road. Eventually after about an hour we are back to the bridge and can cross over to the mainland.

Day 2 stresses on the plates start to appear. Cathy switches to walking sandals and John loosens his boots. We walk along the river - the meadows interspersed with industrial sites until we reach the outskirts of Sittingbourne. A short walk leads to the station. There is no time to visit a pub before John and Helen’s train, so we sit in the Pumpkin Café and enjoy some cider etc. John and Helen depart for St Pancras leaving Ben and Cathy to catch a train shortly afterwards to Victoria.

Postscript – Cathy enjoys the trip so much she is coming next time.

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