Day 54 - Pandy to Hay-on-Wye

Good breakfast and provision of chocolate and apples for the day ahead confirm that the Rising Sun would probably feature in the top five establishments at which we've stayed. Today's walk is not as taxing as we thought it was going to be. After the need to cross (very carefully) the Newport to Hereford railway line, it starts with a long ascent into the Black Mountains, ultimately to 2,300 feet - the highest point on the Path - but the weather is dry, and also cooler than yesterday, and the climb isn't particularly steep or testing under foot. So we manage it without undue difficulty and with the help of plenty of water and snacks. The path itself up to Hatterrall Hill and the ridge beyond is pretty featureless, but some of the views are spectacular. (These do not include Ben taking the first "dump au naturel" of the walk - there isn't a more delicate way of phrasing it - in the disturbingly close proximity of some sheep.) With perfect timing, the sun only appears when we've completed the climb and are approaching Hay Bluff. We therefore work up a bit of a sweat on the long descent into Hay-on-Wye where the Blue Boar is conveniently located for reviving purposes, and a relaxed lunch and postcard/admin session, before catching a bus to Hereford station. Train to Worcester, where we change for John to get to Evesham and Ben and Gary to continue to London.                                   

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